
Kano, a dark rider of the virtual underground, brings his own unique vision to the depths of Bryce. He is known for developing his own techniques in Bryce's terrain editor. He believes deeply in the power that EVERYONE has to develop and use their own creativity. He plans to continue to use Bryce, in conjunction with other software, to further push his artistic limits and develop powerful imagery that will not only appeal visually, but also make strong statements about the Modern age. Kano is influenced heavily by Bosch, Dali, William Blake, Giger, and Monty Python. When asked to expand further on his background, he stated that much of it is embedded in his imagery, and would continue to be. Kano, wishing to remain somewhat of an enigma, states that part of his artistic experiment is to watch his online presence grow, without any real interruption from his normal existence, which is kept very seperate. He can always be found on the web by searching for: cultzero

Scene Files

Here y' go, some scene files straight from the depths of my deranged imagination. Feel free to tear them apart and see what makes them tick. If you want to use objects in your own work, feel free. Bear in mind though, that the elements are quite unique, and really you should coninue to develop your own style, building upon what you have learned.

The scene 'Reality engine exposed' contains a great deal of what I would call my 'style', and also contains elements from my tutorial.

Have fun

Kano, (Altharian 1998)

Scene Files Included on CD:

"reality engine exposed.br4"
"time for ceremony.br4"

Organic Tutorial

Don't forget the "Organic Modeling.pdf" included on this CD.